If you've come from a relational database background and are new to Salesforce, this article
should give you a beginning comparison between Structure Query Language (SQL) and Salesforce
Object Query Language.
For the definitive description of SOQL,
go here.
Here are a few key differences:
- SOQL is only for queries; you cannot Create, Update, or Delete records with SOQL alone
- Comments are not allowed
- Semicolons are not allowed
- Multiple statements are not allowed
SELECT clause
- There is no SELECT *; you must explicitly list the fields you
would like to select.
- The SELECT clause is limited. You cannot concatenate fields, select literals, or use
functions. There are restrictions to aliasing fields.
- There are no CASE statements. There is a TYPEOF clause, which behaves similar to a CASE
statement, but only applies to polymorphic keys.
- There is no DISTINCT keyword. One can simulate the effect with a GROUP BY.
SELECT BillingState FROM Account GROUP BY BillingState
- SOQL allows a limited set of aggregates.
For details, see this.
- SOQL has a number of built-in date functions.
E.g. SELECT CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate) FROM Opportunity
For details, see this.
FROM clause
- There is no JOIN clause, and JOINS cannot be incorporated into the FROM clause. JOINs use a
different syntax in SOQL and are generally more limited, though in some cases,
easier to use.
- You cannot list multiple tables. E.g. SELECT Account.Id FROM Account, Contact WHERE
Contact.AccountId = Account.Id will generate and error.
WHERE clause
- There is no JOIN clause, and JOINS cannot be incorporated into the WHERE clause. JOINs can
effectively be done by referencing a reference field.
SELECT Account.Name
FROM Contact will JOIN the Account object.
- The WHERE clause cannot compare two fields. E.g. WHERE CreatedDate < LastModifiedDate
will generate an error.
- You cannot reference Long Text fields or BLOBs in a WHERE clause.
- You use the equal operator to find nulls. E.g.
SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Fax=NULL. IS NULL will cause an
- DateTimes use a different syntax. E.g. SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE
CreatedDate > 2020-06-01T00:00:00Z. Note the lack of quotes.
- The WHERE clause allow for a number of date functions. See the section above in the SELECT
- You cannot reference Long Text fields or BLOBs in a GROUP BY or HAVING clause.